quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

[Article] 10 PS3 Game Covers

I own a Playstation 3 myself, but unfortunately have just a few titles. Disregarding that, I appreciate to look into information about new titles that are about to be released. One thing that I'm always curious to see is the box art. It tells a lot about the game and what the developers want you to experiment when playing their creation.
So today I'm making a list with 10 covers that are really worth of mention. But attention here, please: I said worth of mention. It's not the top 10 box arts, because that would be unfair. I barely have seen most of those covers myself before doing some research for this article. So anyway, let's get started.


Let's begin with a game that became a hype. Everyone that own a PS3 should try this game, because it's awesome. The physics are great, and you are able to use it to create wicked levels and publish them online. A rewarding experience, very worth.
The box cover is very teen. And the game itself is indeed very teen. One might think that it's kinda random, but once you've seen the gameplay, you'll agree that it does a great job to represent this awesome title by Media Molecule.


I don't know anything about this game, to be honest. Based on what I've seen about it, it's a Zelda-ish game where you control two characters to unriddle the mysteries of a village. On their way, many fantastic creatures will rage against you while you immerse inside the Netherworld.
The cover itself is awesome. Just look at the strange creatures lurking from the darkness. The gloomy ambient. It's like a children book.

Aquanaut's Holiday

Look... LOOK! This cover is calling you for a dive. And I can't even swim... *sigh*
It seems that Aquanaut's Holiday is an submarine adventure game where you explore the bottoms of the ocean, looking for your amigo, Mr. Graber (you can call him "Bill").
The gameplay might not be very interesting, but the cover is really effective. The point of view, from inside the water, makes you feel like you're already exploring the deep seas. Brilliant, to say the least!

Heavy Rain

There are a lot of expectations about Heavy Rain. It's a noir interactive drama game. The game hasn't been released yet, but there's a huge number of followers just waiting the game to be on the stores.
On Heavy Rain there are four characters looking for a person known as "the Origami Killer" (hence the origami on the cover). Why the game title is "Heavy Rain" is beyond my knowledge, but the cover just takes all of this and throw it right on your face. The cover is dark. The game is dark. Friggin' mysterious...


If you don't know what "Turok" is, please leave your computer now and find a Nintendo 64. I mean NOW.
There were three FPS that really got special attention on N64. Goldeneye (of course!), Perfect Dark and Turok. On Turok you kill dinosaurs, beasts, aliens and what-the-hell-not. An incredible experience.
And then, they've made Turok for PS3. It took SIX years for the fans to see another Turok again, and this cover just yells "Hey asshole, I'm back for killing". Poor dinosaurs.


Okay, I'm cheating here. First, this game hasn't been released yet. And also, this isn't the box cover - it's a poster.
Do you remember the original "Splatterhouse"? Yeah, big ol' times.
When I saw this poster, I've shed a tear and said "Oh fuck yeah". Splatterhouse. Say it loudly and look at the poster. See? If the box art is half this awesome, I'd be in awe.

The Saboteur

It screams "Viva la revolución". It's an invitation for you, telling you that we need to take over Paris (see the Eiffel Tower there?) and reinstall freedom. It feels like those Uncle Sam's "I want you" posters, but bloody and dark. Very nice, indeed a cover worth of mention.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Something at this cover is enchanting. I have no clue why, though. I think it's a clever design. You see, Oblivion has some beautiful graphics that could catch your attention. But every other cover has beautiful CG graphics on it too, so what would you do? You make it look like an old book! Because while you're browsing your local store, you wouldn't expect old scrolls there. Then, wait a minute! What's this? Eeelder Scroools Four... Oblivion? Interesting!


Just look at that! It's a Horseman of the Apocalypse! And skulls! Isn't it awesome? The casual gamer would cringe, probably. The core gamer would look and hey, maybe I could give this a try. And then, the hardcore gamer would jump on it and scream like a killing machine. Really, I know someone just like that.
The cover is beautiful. I don't know exactly why, but it makes me want to destroy a world or two.

Siren Blood Curse

I know absolutely nothing about this game. It's a survival horror, and that's all I know. But look at that cover. It's simple and effective. Can't you tell it's a terribly scary game?
Blood. And more than one would expect. If that's not appealing enough, it's rated "18+" by PEGI, and that's something. By the way, the game has been censored on the USA. On the USA! If you're north american, you won't find this on the local stores. You can only find it available for download on the Playstation Network. So I think that the cover is deadly serious about the blood...

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